Sage R8 Core 10′ 6wt Fly Rod
Our Thoughts:
A 10′ 6wt in our eyes is the best overall rod for stillwater fishing and the Sage R8 Core is a great tool for the job. Stillwater rods need to capability to cast far distances, still protect light tippet, and have the muscle power to horse in large fish. This rod meets all these criteria, but also doubles incredibly well for big river or heavy flow nymph fishing.
The Sage R8 10′ 6wt is one of our favorite stillwater rods, but its faster overall blank that doesn’t fit everyone’s casting stroke. If you have a generally faster casting stroke or love the feel of fast rod, then this is the rod for you.
Here’s What Sage Has To Say:
R8 Core is focused on maximum versatility and applies new revolutionary R8 material technology through our forward-thinking lens of what we’re seeing out on the water – where one rod needs to show even greater range. At its core, R8 Core traces a direct lineage to Sage’s multi-application / fast action vision, one shaped by the fishing evolutions happening all around us—from habitats we stalk and waters we frequent, to the flies we fish and the diversity of species we now target. Coming in a range from 3wt to 9wt, with a variety of lengths from 8’6″ to 10’0″, there’s sure to be a model to fit the core needs of every freshwater angler.
The 6100-4FB offers incredible line control and power. All-water safe reel seat for beach fishing, or in big-river trout situations.