R.L. Winston Air 2 9′ 4wt Fly Rod
Our Thoughts:
The Winston Air 2 9′ 4wt is the perfect light do-all rod. Although dry flies are more of its calling, it also perfectly handles light nymph rigs and small streamers. It’s a relatively fast rod, but don’t let that label fool you. It’s more than soft enough to protect even 7x tippet.
Here’s What Winston Has To Say:
This flagship series covers your 3wt. thru 6wt needs and has earned rave reviews from shop owners, guides, and anglers. Utilizing boron technology, AIR 2 rods make beautiful, accurate casts at long and short distances and have exceptional feel. The 3 and 4wts are superb dry and light nymph rods, while the 5 and 6wts are true all-arounders that can do everything from small dries to double nymphs to streamers. All rods come with our graphite tube and logo rod sock.