Orvis Helios 3F 10′ 6wt Fly Rod
Our Thoughts:
The 10′ 6wt Orvis Helios 3F provides an ideal action for all purpose stillwater fishing. The rod has a relatively softer tip which makes it easier to load properly and cast regardless of the conditions. Its extra length makes casting at further distances, mending, and handling sinking lines a breeze. This is definitely one of our favorite rods for stillwater fishing, and if your considering a rod for the job we couldn’t recommend this one more.
Here’s What Orvis Has To Say:
Helios 3F 6-Weight, 10′ Fly Rods offer enhanced accuracy and feel at mid-range distances. The Helios 3F 106-4. The 6 weight is a versatile rod that can handle everything from big trout, to bass, carp and even light steelhead. Make it 10 feet long and you have a rod that can reach out and control the drift, the swing, or can get the line out of the water and right on top of that nymphing run. Big flies, poppers, bulky deer hair patterns, heavy nymph rigs, no problem. No cast ever thrown is identical to any other cast ever thrown. The variables of caster, rod, and conditions are too great.
Helios 3F was designed to significantly reduce the variables at the point of release, focusing the energy of the cast to the intended target. No matter what happens behind you, the energy of the forward cast is crisply released through a tight window created by the most significant reduction in horizontal and vertical tip frequency ever conceived. It is a rifle in a world of muskets and it autocorrects the variables of the cast to the target with incomparable precision.