Orvis Helios 3D White 9′ 5wt Fly Rod
Our Thoughts:
Arguably one of the best do-all trout rods on the market, the 9′ 5wt Orvis Helios 3D is made to do it all. The rod has a fast action and powerful butt section that handles nymph rigs and light streamers like a charm, but still has enough life where it doesn’t feel dead throwing a dry fly. If you’re looking for one rod to do it all as a trout enthusiast, it’s hard to look any further than this one.
Here’s What Orvis Has To Say:
Helios 3D 5-Weight, 9′ Fly Rods are designed for exceptional accuracy but with enhanced power. They are the most accurate fly rods ever built, but offer remarkable strength and the ability to place a fly where you want it at distance. The Helios 3D 905-4 can put a streamer on a dime at sixty feet, and when the opportunities are way out there and the windows are small, this is the rod of choice. No cast ever thrown is identical to any other cast ever thrown. The variables of caster, rod, and conditions are too great.
Helios 3D was designed to significantly reduce the variables at the point of release focusing the energy of the cast to the intended target. No matter what happens behind you, the energy of the forward cast is crisply released through a tight window created by the most significant reduction in horizontal and vertical tip frequency ever conceived. It is a rifle in a world of muskets and it autocorrects the variables of the cast to the target with incomparable precision.