4Ocean Beaded Bracelet – Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Handcrafted with recycled materials, every 4ocean bracelet purchased pulls one pound of trash from the world’s oceans, rivers, and coastlines. Snag our newest styles or raise awareness about the impacts of ocean pollution on marine life with best sellers like our Dolphin Bracelet, Shark Bracelet, and Sea Turtle Bracelet. Every bracelet purchased has an immediate impact on plastic pollution in our oceans!
Named for their large heads and powerful jaw muscles, loggerhead sea turtles are the world’s largest hard-shelled turtles. Weighing an average of 300 pounds and reaching lengths of up to 6 feet, it’s hard to imagine how absolutely massive these turtles are if you haven’t seen them in person!
Loggerheads are seen all over the world, but the greatest concentrations are found along the Atlantic coast of North America with key nesting areas in Florida, Georgia, and both Carolinas as well as the Florida and Alabama coasts in the Gulf of Mexico.
Loggerheads spend most of their time in the open ocean and rarely come ashore. They’re also highly migratory and very likely to come into contact with fisheries, particularly shrimp gillnets and longlines, which means they have a high risk of accidental capture (known as bycatch).